Dismantling your PS3 Slim
This tutorial will show you how to disassemble your PS3 Slim. This may be for the installation of a flash, a repair or even interviews. However here I will only show you the disassembly of the console, then it is you who choose what to do with it disassembled.
- Warning: I want to clarify that this tutorial shows you how to disassemble your PS3 Slim but not how to reassemble, to do this just do the steps upside down. Under no circumstances will I be responsible if your console runs poorly or does not start up again after you upgrade it.
Hardware inspection
Dismantling the hull
To start, it will be necessary to remove all the screws that hold the top shell of the console. Begin by returning this one, you will have in all 7 small caches to remove + that of the screw which holds the hard disk.
Then there are Torx Temper screws at the front that hold the hull.
Note: On the Slims 2004 and 2104, you will have only 3 of these screws, but on the Slims 2504 and + there are 4 as in the picture below.
Once all the screws are removed, you can turn the console upside down and remove the top shell by first lifting the back up against the top, then you will have access to the rest of the console.
After removing it, you will have a more detailed view of the console. At the bottom left we have the fan and the air channel, to its right is the blue-ray player and then on top there is the power supply case, that's what we'll remove first.
Remove major components
So as I said, you will first remove the power supply, to do so, you have a screw on both ends of the housing (in width) as well as two plug next to the screws, also unplug them. Then you can remove the case
The next step is to remove the Blue-ray player, but before disconnecting the socket and the socket, first remove the PCB from the "Power" and "Eject" buttons. To do this, just take the turn screw flat size 1 and then gently lean backwards against the top, it is simply clipped to the rest of the console. no screws hold it in place.
Now you can turn your PS3 to first remove the tablet from the drive as well as the plug that is connected to the motherboard and to finish the small screw that fixes the drive.
Since my model is a 2504B, there is still the 56 pins to remove under the drive. If you have the same look, lift the player slightly and then, using the # 1 flat-blade screwdriver, lightly raise each end of the black clip against the top to remove the nape carefully.
Once you remove it, you will be able to disconnect the PCB from the "Power" and "Eject" buttons to the motherboard. Remove it delicately, these tablecloths remain fairly sensitive to folds. You have no clip to remove, just pull the nape of the connector.
Now, with the turn of the wifi transmitter / receiver, these are the two small parts fixed to the front of the console. To start off remove these two parts of the plastic shell of the PS3, they are each held by only one screw.
Once you have removed them, you can unclip the queues that are connected to the motherboard. Be careful not to be too abrupt or damage the connectors.
If you are afraid to forget what file is going on on which connector, do as I do and make a black line on the side where this connect the black file.
Before going any further, remove the hard drive from its slot. Since you have already removed the screw that held it (the screw with the blue head that also holds the shell of the PS3), you can simply pull it against the outside.
Now disconnect the fan from the motherboard
Now you can start removing the screws that hold the motherboard to the shell of the PS3. There are in all 5:
Now you can remove the motherboard from the shell. To do this, simply lift the front of it, then pull it against the sail to pull it out of the hull. You can pull it through the fan, it will come out easily from its location.
Now it will first have to be flipped, you have a thin protective plate for the motherboard and the two pads that hold the CPU and RSX together. There are 9 screws in all to remove, follow the picture below for all found.
Now it will be to detach the CPU / RSX from the fan to be able to remove the motherboard from its location.
Now you have finished dismantling your PS3 Slim, you have full access to the motherboard for eg changing thermal paste or installing a flasher.
This tutorial stops there, as said above I do not show how to go up, you have only to follow this tutorial in reverse. Be careful not to lose any screws and put them next to what they are fixing.
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