Contact US

In order to find myself as much as possible, I would ask that one thing in your / your request: be a clear minimum. Starting with a fairly explicit first line. Then this form is not there for all kind of requests, here is a small list of the subjects for which I put this form in place:

  • Problem on the site as a more valid download link, a more valid page or other.
  • Contact me directly for a request that I qualify as "administrative" like eg partnership request, request to take a tutorial for your site / forum or other.
  • Proposal to improve the site.
Warning: Please do not use this form for a technical question regarding your PS3, I have set up a forum at this address for this kind of request. Any technical questions will not be taken into account and you will have no answer from me.

If you have any problem with the form or other, you can always send an email to the following address:

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